Off to the motor-home show in London tomorrow,and the shopping list goes something like this:- two bike covers and some tent pegs for the awning. How i remember shopping for new clothes shoes and handbags! Paul's pleased though as there is only a limited amount of stuff we can take in the motor-home so girly shopping has to be only the essentials sadly, and thanks to my Christmas job in Boots i have enough face cream and shower gel to last all year.
Only another three weeks to go before we set sail. Well at least there is not a lot to pack especially after i complete my final car boot sale. Anyone fancy a glass top kitchen table and two chairs for a fiver?
Hey, you might need that table and chairs to invite us over for dinner.... I've got an Avon book which we can dribble over one evening too.... Anyway by the end of the season we will be weathered and tanned....! Good luck tomorrow, stay focused...