Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Sharpes take the plunge

We have taken the plunge and joined the National Trust. It did need some active discussion but once i argued the savings i recieved the go ahead. So we joined yesterday and then as it was our half day we went across Dartmoor to Lydford Gorge and had a wonderful walk to the gorge with the waterfalls which were spectactular after all the rain we have had here.
Paul at Lydford Gorge
Ang at the caldron !

Now there is a big development in the life of Sharpe and Sharpe Wardens, we have been left in charge while our Wardens have their days off. So far so good, it has done nothing but rain all day so we have had to sit in the office till 5pm then we have managed a walk round the site, me in my most fetching orange reflective waterproof coat.

Really looking forward to this week as my Sister comes this week and there is the promise of warmer weather ahead.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Turning the water into wine

Those of you who know me well will know i am not religious, (sorry Mrs Rock my Sunday school teacher) but events surrounding my James has played a huge part in my beliefs. However when the constant rain we have been experiencing causes me to get up in the night and pour myself a drink from the fridge of what i thought was water and turned out to be my favourite wine......well what is a girl to do.....slept divinely for the rest of the night though, well it was a tumbler full.
The wind and rain have really been dreadful, lucky the awning has survived so far which is down to Paul's skill in developing the most interesting 'trigs' to hold everything in place (younger members of the family will need to ask Granddad Curtis about 'trigs')
On our last day off we went along the coast line to Dartmouth, and it was delightful. The mediaeval buildings around the harbour are fantastic, and the many boats moving in and out of the harbour are wonderful. We spent a good hour sitting in the sun by the harbour just watching the boats go out to sea and treated ourselves to an ice-cream. There is also a steam train which we will explore when Liz and John come to say, and some interesting river and sea trips to try.
We also found a sleepy fishing village by the sea on our way to Dartmouth, and there was a shack by the sea selling Cornish pasty and fresh dressed crab. We brought some of each for our tea, guess who had the health fish and who had the pie!!!
Well back to work now, and we are working on our own for a few days while our Wardens go away for some well deserved R&R. Just as well really co's it gives me time to replace all the toffee's i stuffed today from the welcome dish we offer members when they arrive. Hey ho it could have been worse it could have been ginger nut biscuits.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Its all about Tesco and Marmite

Tesco featured very heavily in the world of Sharpe's. As it was so cold and wet yesterday Paul and me went to Tesco's just because it was warm, well as long as we didn't stay down the frozen food section for to long or for that matter the milk, cheese and yoghurt section as well.
I am also in charge of keeping an eye on the rise and the lots of falling of the Tesco shares ready for a very important Sharpe to cash in their investment, i may not shine as a investment advisor at the rate we are going but i have fun looking every day.
Today was our day off proper so we went to Looe which was lovely, we had our packed lunch (we know how to live) on the quay looking over the beach across to the sea. I had cheese, Marmite and cucumber which reminded me of Sunday school outings to Hunstanton so that prompted me to ring Mum and Dad to say hello, which i try to do on our day off each week. Mum has been as busy as ever and proceeded to tell me of her trip out to a very unsavoury part of London for the day collecting material from her craft work. She then gave us a task of collecting all types of flotsam and jetsam from all the beaches we visit ready for her to use on her summer school. Now Paul hates sand with a passion, and the last thing i will get him to do is roll up his trousers and paddle about in rock pools looking for seaweed. Down to me then. Oh well my Sister can help when she comes down to stay.....he...he

Thursday, 12 April 2012


This is about rubbish: Paul mentioned that up to a month ago his role involved meeting ambassadors from many different countries, members of parliament and other civil dignitaries often over lunch or in the evening at dinner, and today his role involved upside down in the waste skips emptying large amounts of filled rubbish bags into the large skip ready for the waste tanker to empty this morning. Happy days

This is not rubbish: Me and my Mand at the Tower of London. Also the sun is shining and we have spent the afternoon outside cutting grass. Also Paul had an ice cream from the shop........What you may ask what did he do with the wrapper, put it in the new empty industrial sized skip we have on site of course.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

This is me.....i know you wouldn't have guessed....We went to Plymouth on our day off this week and had a wonderful time. We parked at Mount Battern and took the water taxi across to the harbour, we ate our sandwiches looking at all the lovely boats and enjoyed the fantastic views and the wonderful sunshine. I am standing on the spot the Pilgrim Fathers left Plymouth for America in 1620. We are also making our annual pilgrimage there in January when we go and stay in Florida after our big trip so thought it was appropriate.  Thought about our James again while we were there as him and his Dad took in Plymouth on their cricket playing days.
Oh and we also had a 'Mr Wippy' ice cream.
Had a great day at work today, the sun shone, and i managed to order something on line from the purchasing department......the young girl in the purchasing department was ever so helpful and took the time to ring me to check if i really meant to order 100 window catches or did i really mean just 10. I said 10 would be fine, and she promised not to tell the Warden!!!

Monday, 9 April 2012

Damp and wet grass

Okay the not so nice about our new life. Cleaning the toilet block in the driving rain when every one has trampled grass into the building. However the good thing was our Wardens gave us both an Easter egg, which dear reader is more than we got from our remaining child and her partner, who when challenged about the lack of said Easter egg for her hard working parents are on a diet!!!! and i got told off for eating fish and chips.
Finally many apologies to our friends Ray and Barbara as we were cut off doing a Skype session, the internet connection in this part of the world is very hit and miss, as is the night call system on site (hey ho), nearly as bad as being a Community Midwife when we used to get sent out with no mobile phones or radios and you had to remember to take coins for the public phone box if you had an emergency....happy days

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Hair straighteners or hot brush

Right we have been living full time in the motor for 2 months and it is time to get serious. What does a girl do to avoid 'caravan hair'. As my working life has changed i have found it very difficult to get into a routine with doing my hair. Make-up is okay but hair... nightmare. So i took advice. My sister swears by a hot brush and Manda uses straighteners, well i tried a hot brush and i am rubbish so straighteners have won. Anyone want to buy a hot brush one owner and used very little.
We had a half day today and Paul spent all afternoon taking the awning to bits and moving it. Even a marriage that has lasted 34years cannot stand up to issues with an awning. I ask you would you like all your possessions out on the road for all the campers to see? Anyway we are settled again now and it is very cosy and we are making full use of the space.
All in all it is working out very well living in our van, lets see how we get on when Mand and Rich come to stay

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Windy cold and a little damp

What a difference a week makes. Today was our day off and we decided to explore Torquay and before i start dear reader you have to remember today was cold windy and sometimes a little damp so it did cloud (excuse the pun) the day somewhat. I am sure some people have a fantastic time at Torquay Sharpie and me are not those people and may not visit again. We found it very dismal and at times tacky. We were also a little sad as Paul remembered times past when him and James played cricket there, and one time in particular when they stood together and watch the total eclipse which happened years ago. I also remember it, but i was at work at the Rosie hospital not messing around playing cricket!!!!
We then went the Painton (didn't stop) and quite frankly quite glad to get home. Well we had to explore that part of the coast and we have decided we may join the National Trust and try and plan our days off a bit more. Unless it is blistering hot then we will just head for our local beach which is stunning.
And to finish our Adds found this photo of more 'sharpes on tour' and i had to share this with you.This could be us next year, especially if we start gathering stuff again.