Monday, 9 April 2012

Damp and wet grass

Okay the not so nice about our new life. Cleaning the toilet block in the driving rain when every one has trampled grass into the building. However the good thing was our Wardens gave us both an Easter egg, which dear reader is more than we got from our remaining child and her partner, who when challenged about the lack of said Easter egg for her hard working parents are on a diet!!!! and i got told off for eating fish and chips.
Finally many apologies to our friends Ray and Barbara as we were cut off doing a Skype session, the internet connection in this part of the world is very hit and miss, as is the night call system on site (hey ho), nearly as bad as being a Community Midwife when we used to get sent out with no mobile phones or radios and you had to remember to take coins for the public phone box if you had an emergency....happy days


  1. Sounds like an idylic Bank Holiday Monday to me! As for chocolate Easter eggs, my two girls didn't get me one either... probably just as well! Don't forget to look at my blog too, I've just uploaded a lovely scrapbook page of two small people.

  2. Join the club, I didn't get any eggs either ,I wonder if I will get lots of wrapping silver paper Instead? To make xmassy bags later on?? Love me
